Teens to explore manufacturers in Muskegon Heights
On Wednesday, October 9, four Muskegon Heights manufacturers will open their businesses to more than 100 tenth and eleventh grade students from Muskegon Heights Academy and Muskegon High School. The students will learn about job opportunities in Muskegon Heights and have an opportunity to tour Muskegon Community College’s Sturrus Technology Center.
During the tours, students will see companies involved in aluminum casting, chemical distribution, metal stamping, tool making and CNC manufacturing products for hospital beds, zero-turn lawn mowers, the trucking industry and the oil and gas industry.
The tours will kick off at 8:00 a.m. at each high school with opening comments from career specialists from the Muskegon Area Intermediate School District. Then students will board buses to begin their tours at 8:30 a.m. (see detailed schedule above).
“We are trying to make a difference, we are part of the community,” said Jack Russell president of Rolar, and Chairman of the Muskegon Heights Business Association of the Muskegon Lakeshore Chamber of Commerce. “The four businesses are paying for the buses and Muskegon Community College will be providing lunch and a tour of the Sturrus Technology Center,” he added.
“People need to be aware that what we make here, will go all over the world,” said Morgan Carroll, Advocacy and Manufacturing Manager from the Muskegon Lakeshore Chamber of Commerce.
“We want to show students that there are jobs right here in their backyard,” said Cyndi Langlois, Associate Dean of Workforce Development, when commenting on the goals of the event.
Business Addresses and Contact Info
Rolar Products https://www.rolarproducts.com/
540 West Hume Ave., Muskegon, MI 49444, 231-739-6313, Jack Russell, President
Century Foundry https://centuryfoundry.com/
2524 Park St., Muskegon, MI 49444, 231-733-1572, Shane LeRoux, Vice President
Webb Chemical https://webbchemical.com/
2708 Jarman St., Muskegon, MI 49444, 231-733-2181, Brad Hillary, CEO
Quality Tool and Stamping http://www.qtstamping.com
541 E Sherman Blvd., Muskegon, MI 49444, 231-733-2538, Mike Kuznar, Director of Operations
MCC Sturrus Technology Center https://www.muskegoncc.edu/administration/mcc-downtown-center/
388 W Clay Ave., Muskegon, MI 49440, 231-777-0456, Cyndi Langlois, Associate Dean of Workforce Development