Teens Design Unique Styles and Costumes for Hair Show

Maranda Anderson (Oakridge) applies lip liner to her model in preparation for the 2018 hair show
Photo credit: Jenna Swartz Photography, jennaswartzphotography@gmail.com
The public is invited to join local Cosmetology students for “Candyland Pop” the theme of this year’s hair show hosted by Nuvo College of Cosmetology. On Thursday, March 14, 2019, from 5:30 to 8:00 p.m. at the Muskegon Area Career Tech Center (MACTC) Cosmetology students from the MACTC as well as Nuvo will present their unique hair and costume designs. A total of 79 students, 52 from the Muskegon Area Career Tech Center, will participate.
Hair show entries are presented on live models that students spend the afternoon preparing. Each model walks a catwalk to show off the stylist’s creation. Participants are judged on four categories: hair, makeup, nails, and overall look. Winners are determined by a panel of judges. For a $1 donation, guests may choose their favorite for the popular vote. Admission is also $1.
Last year’s first place winner, chosen by the judges, was Carolyn Skuse (Ravenna) for her model of Lisbeth Salander from, The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo. In the popular vote, guests awarded first place to Kennedi Ogle (Mona Shores) with her model of American gymnast Jordyn Wieber.
All proceeds from this year’s show will be donated to the Kids Food Basket of Muskegon.
For more information on Cosmetology or any of the other 14 programs available at the Muskegon Area Career Tech Center, visit muskegoncareertech.com.
Annette Watkins, Cosmetology Instructor, awatkins@muskegonisd.org, 231.799.1500
Stephanie Hoekenga, Student Outreach Specialist, shoekeng@muskegonisd.org 231.767.3613