Local students excel in healthcare skills competition
MUSKEGON: Health Science Academy (HSA) and Bio Tech & Engineering (BTE) students from the Career Tech Center (CTC) in Muskegon were among 2,817 students from 89 chapters to participate in the HOSA: Future Health Professionals State Leadership Conference, April 23, 2021. The conference took place virtually this year, but that did not stop students from excelling in medical knowledge and skill events. The CTC had 20 students compete in a variety of virtual healthcare events.
Competitions tested the skills and knowledge of middle school, high school, and post-secondary students across the state in the many diverse areas of healthcare. Categories included medical assisting, home health aide, physical therapy, health education, and many others. Written responses were required for several categories, including medical spelling, sports medicine, and pharmacy science.
Cassie Liebish (Montague) competed in Sports Medicine. The Sports Medicine competition consisted of two rounds. Round one was a written multiple-choice test. Round two was a skills test consisting of hands-on activities like anatomical identification, range of motion measurement, and medical taping/wrapping. Cassie earned top eight in the state.
Classmate Alison Hammond (Reeths-Puffer), in addition to competing in the Physical Therapy Skills competition, also ran for HOSA State Office. To be elected state officer, Alison first had to complete a series of virtual interviews. Her performance qualified her to move on to the next phase, which was creating her own campaign video. All applicants’ videos were then voted on by HOSA members from across the state. Alison was elected HOSA State Officer–Video Director.
A total of 49 second-year Health Science students were registered members of HOSA this year. The mission of HOSA is to enhance the delivery of compassionate, quality health care by providing opportunities for knowledge, skill, and leadership development of all health science education students.
To learn more about the Health Science Academy program, or any of the 15 other career prep programs at the Career Tech Center visit muskegonctc.org.