Health Science students trained to save lives in bleeding emergency

Community News |Mar 18, 2021|2 min read

Regardless of how quickly emergency responders arrive, bystanders will always be the first ones on the scene of an accident or injury. To help raise awareness, and prevent loss of life, Allied Health students at the Career Tech Center on Muskegon (CTC) will be receiving Stop the Bleed training on March 19, 2021. Launched by the White House in October of 2015, Stop the Bleed is a national awareness campaign to encourage bystanders to help in a bleeding emergency before professional help arrives. It is also one of five professional certifications offered to Allied Health students at the CTC.

Training will be facilitated, via Zoom, by Baker College nursing students. Allied Health students will learn how to identify the severity of a wound, pack a wound to slow serious bleeding, and how to apply a tourniquet in severe cases. These actions, when performed by someone who has received Stop the Bleed training, can save the life of a critically injured person as they wait for professional help to arrive.

“After watching the presentation, and getting hands-on practice with the tourniquet and wound packing, I think I would be confident to help someone in need in a real-world situation,” shared Kieona Sims (Muskegon) who participated in an earlier training on Tuesday.

The CTC has been training students in Stop the Bleed since 2017. Other programs invited to participate include Bio Tech & Engineering, Criminal Justice, and Hospitality & Food Management. Through a student essay competition, offered by Mercy Health Muskegon, the CTC was awarded two emergency kits stocked with items like those used in Stop the Bleed training. These kits are now posted on campus.

For more information about the Allied Health program, or any of the 15 other career-prep programs available at the CTC, visit or take a virtual tour at
