Port of Muskegon works for ‘competitive edge’ in international shipping

Business News |Jul 10, 2019|1 min read

MUSKEGON, MI – The Port of Muskegon has the capacity to increase shipping and could see that boost if it is able to find a competitive edge in attracting international ships to the shores of Muskegon Lake.


Over the past 20 years, the port welcomed just one international vessel on average annually, but it can handle more, said Chuck Canestraight, president of Port City Marine Services.


“We’re a fully functional deep-water port and we’re open for business,” he said.


The port, through Mart Dock, received a single international shipment of 18,500 metric tons of magnetite in 2018. It came through the St. Lawrence Seaway from Sweden on the Osogovo freighter.


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