Hiring People with Disabilities has Many Advantages and is Easier Than You Think

Business News |Oct 18, 2021|1 min read

Hiring individuals who need accommodations is no different than hiring anyone else!

As for cost, research shows that 56% of accommodations cost absolutely nothing to implement – $0.00! The rest of the accommodations were typically under $500. An important note is that when asked how much employers paid for an accommodation beyond what they would have paid for an employee without a disability who was in the same position, the median answer given by employers was $20. Only twenty dollars more than an employee without a disability! Says Amanda Van Tubergen, Employment Specialist for Disability Network West Michigan.

Please join us on 10/27 for a free learning experience on how hiring people with disabilities will improve your work environment on many levels:

  • How to engage with people who have a wide range of disabilities
  • What State benefits you receive when hiring people with disabilities
  • Ideas and next steps for filling your open positions!

Event Location:

United Way Building | 27 East Clay

October 27 | 3 – 4:30 pm

FREE & Seating is limited

RSVP: Hiring People with Disabilities – Disability Network (disabilitynetworkwm.org)


To learn more, visit our website at Upcoming Events – Disability Network (disabilitynetworkwm.org)