Help Win New Trees in Muskegon County!

Business News, Chamber Blog, Community News |Aug 12, 2024|2 min read


Throughout the last several years, Michigan residents are proving they’re interested in cleaner energy by enrolling in CleanVision Natural Gas Balance. The program is DTE Energy’s voluntary cleaner energy program that balances an average home’s natural gas usage emissions.

Hundreds of local residents have enrolled, and now DTE Energy is challenging even more Muskegon County residents to enroll in Natural Gas Balance by the end of the month. If an additional 100 households enroll, the company is promising to plant 10 trees directly in Muskegon County as a celebration of residents’ commitment to sustainability.

Natural Gas Balance empowers customers to balance up to 100% of an average home’s natural gas carbon emissions when they enroll in the program. The program offers an easy and affordable way to:

  • Promote sound forest management and enhance the health and resilience of Michigan’s trees that act as natural carbon scrubbers across 13 counties in the Upper Peninsula. This also preserves the habitats for Michigan’s native wildlife like cougars, moose, bears and bobcats.
  • Develop Michigan-made renewable natural gas to reduce traditional methane greenhouse gas emissions escaping into the atmosphere.
  • Address emissions from natural gas usage in heating, water heaters, cooking and other home uses – without adjusting your energy usage or making changes to your home.

The key to unlocking new trees in Muskegon County is enrolling in Natural Gas Balance by August 31.

Learn more about how this program could impact Michigan for generations to come at, or speak to a representative about enrolling at 833.NATGAS.0 (833628.4270) or by emailing