Don’t miss programs and events with Hackley Public Library!
Single Date Programs:
Take and Make Craft for Kids – Tissue Paper Pumpkins
3 PM, Thursday, October 15
Crumple up some tissue paper and decorate a happy little pumpkin! Pick up a free craft kit from Hackley Library the week of October 12 and follow along with our instructional video, which will be posted to HPL’s Facebook page on Thursday, October 15 at 3 pm. No registration needed for craft kit. Free.
Halloween: A Haunted History – Virtual Presentation
2 PM, Saturday, October 24
Ah, Halloween. Autumnal breezes, crisp leaves, and pumpkin flavored everything! What is it about this time of year that is so enchanting, so mystifying? In this lecture Dustin Pari sheds some light on the spooky shadows of Halloween history and lore. Ghost stories? Oh yeah, he has some of those too. With over 25 years of experience researching the unknown, Dustin brings exciting and positive lectures about the paranormal all across the country. As a part of SyFy television’s Ghost Hunters, Ghost Hunters International, and appearances on Destination Truth and Ghost Nation, Dustin has traveled the world over, looking for answers and expanding his understanding of the unseen realm. Don’t miss this zoom presentation at 2 pm on Saturday, October 24. Sign up for this free virtual program by visiting, HPL’s Facebook page, or by calling 231-722-8011. Closer to the event, registrants will be emailed with instructions on how to enjoy this virtual program. All ages are welcome to enjoy. Free.
Lake Monsters of the Great Lakes – Virtual Zoom Presentation
6 PM, Tuesday, October 27
Join Shetan Noir virtually as she talks about lake monsters and other odd creatures of the Great Lakes! To sign up for this free, virtual program, visit, HPL’s Facebook page, or call 231-722-8011. All ages are welcome to enjoy. Free.
Take and Make Craft for Teens – Beaded Pumpkins
3 PM, Thursday, October 29
Create a festive decoration for your room this fall! Pick up a free craft kit the week of October 26 and follow along with our instructional video, which will be posted to HPL’s Facebook page on Thursday, October 29 at 3 pm. No registration needed for craft kit. Free.
Ongoing Programs:
Doll Bones – Chapter Book Read
3 PM, Daily in October on HPL’s Facebook page
Leaves are falling. The air is getting cooler. Night comes sooner and sooner. Who isn’t in the mood for a gentle ghost story? Don’t miss this virtual chapter book read of ‘Doll Bones’ in October, with readings posted to HPL’s Facebook page at 3 pm on weekdays. Free.
Facebook LIVE and In-Person Story Time
Look below for dates and times
We are excited to welcome a very limited audience to our story times in September! Our space is limited to two families at each story time. For In-Person Story Time, registration is required by calling 231-722-8014. Everyone present, including children 2 and older, must wear a face mask covering their noses and mouths. Don’t worry if you can’t be here in person! We stream all story times on Facebook Live and post the recordings. Not sure which day to attend/watch? Our Toddler Story Time is intended for children who enjoy shorter stories and more movement activities. Our Preschool Story Time is designed for children who prefer to follow along with longer stories.
Facebook Live and In Person Story Times
10:30 am, Oct 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 — Toddler Story Time
10:30 am, Oct 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 — Preschool Story Time
*On Thursday and Friday mornings, the Youth Services Department will be closed for browsing between 10:00 and 11:00. Holds pick up will still be available.
Left to Write Online Prompts
2 PM, Wednesdays posted to HPL’s Facebook page
Did you know? Hackley Public Library has a creative writing group called Left to Write! For the time being, we’re bringing Left to Write to you online, with prompts over Facebook. Anyone can participate by using the prompt to inspire your writing! Once the library is hosting programs inside the library, we will have a special meeting to read over what you’ve written at home. Free.
Write for Fright – Adult Short Story Contest
Submission Deadline: October 24
Let us hear your spookiest short stories! The submission deadline is October 24. The winning story will be announced and read on the HPL Facebook page on October 30th. Stories should be 2500 words or fewer. Only one story per applicant. Submissions can be sent to, with ‘Write for Fright’ and your name in the subject line. Call 231-722-8000 with questions! Ages 16+. Free to participate.