Assistant Superintendent named Superintendent at Muskegon Heights
On Monday, June 19, 2017, Muskegon Heights Public School Academy System Board of Education extended an offer to Rané Garcia to serve as Superintendent effective July 1, 2017. Garcia, who has served as Assistant Superintendent for Muskegon Heights since July 1, 2016, accepted the offer.
Board President Carmella Ealom said, “We have been pleased with Mrs. Garcia’s leadership, her support of Mrs. Zachery-Ross, and the knowledge and experience she has brought to the Academy. We believe her appointment will provide the stability our staff and students need during this time of transition.”
The announcement comes as current Superintendent Alena Zachery-Ross prepares for a move to the superintendent role at Okemos Public Schools. Zachery-Ross’ last day is June 30.
Garcia said she is honored by the Board’s faith in her. She has fond memories of her childhood in Muskegon Heights and is eager to serve the students and staff as the new Superintendent. “These are some of the best and brightest students I have met in my career. They deserve to have greater opportunities and options. I am excited to work with the partners and community to provide these opportunities, empowering Muskegon Heights students to reach their personal goals and dreams.”
Zachery-Ross said Garcia has done a tremendous job in her role as Assistant Superintendent this past year, and played an important role in developing the MDE Partnership Agreement and the new 2017-22 Strategic Plan the school is currently operating within. “Mrs. Garcia is well-liked by our students and staff. They know and respect her. She is the perfect person to lead the district through this time of transition with her instructional expertise, positive attitude and caring heart.”
Before coming to Muskegon Heights, Garcia served as Interim Director of Academic Programs at Oakridge Public Schools, Bursley Elementary School Principal at Jenison Public Schools, and Elementary Mathematics Coordinator at Jenison Public Schools. Under Garcia’s leadership, Bursley Elementary was awarded a National Blue Ribbon for closing the achievement gap. She has an extensive background in aligning curriculum, assessment, and using data analysis to accelerate learning. She holds her Master of Arts in Educational Leadership from Grand Valley State University and her Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education from the University of Michigan.